Marinatto – Brazilian Pizza and Restaurant

Located in Streatham Hill, Marinate serves truly authentic Brazilian food, with a delightful blend of traditional Brazilian cuisine and pizza, catering to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The ambience is warm and simple yet inviting, with several Brazilian delicacies on show – from pāo de queijo and coxinhas to sweet treats like pudim and brigadeiros.


Breakfast at Marinatto is a treat for early risers. The pão na chapa, a piece of toasted bread with butter, is a standout, achieving the perfect balance of crispness and rich, buttery flavour. It is accompanied by Catupiry, a tasty and creamy cheese spread (made in-house). The breakfast menu also includes other Brazilian staples like pão de queijo, misto quente and pāo com mortadella (a favourite of Chef Anthony Bourdain) alongside a variety of fresh juices to get your vitamins in. 

Pāo na chapa com Catupiry

The Food

The lunch and dinner menu brings a variety of typical Brazilian dishes to the forefront: feijoada – topped with crunchy farofa – is hearty and flavorful and the bife a parmigiana – a steak covered with tomato sauce and cheese – is rich and full of catupiry. Another highlight is the pichanha, featured in many different ways: with fries or paired with calabresa sausage and fried cassava, you are going to enjoy Brazilian-quality meat cooked to perfection. They also offer a large selection of skewers (espetos a moda), Brazilian strogonoff and chicken hearts. 

If you don’t fancy a large meal, you can order a crispy and flavourful pastel, a deep-fried and crispy dough filled with all sorts of Brazilian delicacies, from Catupiry to chicken and smoked sausage. Also, you can’t miss Marinatto‘s salgadinhos, which brings you back to the padarias in São Paulo: bolinhas de queijos, bolinhas de bacalhau and dadinhos de tapioca.

The dishes are packed with authentic Brazilian flavours, with portions generous enough to satisfy hearty appetites. If you are on a budget, you can enjoy the meal of the day – always a Brazilian staple dish – for a lower price! What a bargain!

The pizza selection is a delightful addition to the menu. The Calabresa pizza, with its crispy crust filled with Catupiry, is particularly noteworthy. The variety of pizzas available includes unique options such as Catupiry cheese and palm hearts, and for those who can’t decide, Marinatto offers the chance to create your own “half and half” pizza, so everyone can be satisfied!

The beverage menu features a variety of Brazilian classics, including expertly prepared caipirinhas and refreshing Guaraná, satisfying every sort of palate.

My Experience

Picanha na Chapa with Farofa, Vinagrete, Cassava and French Fries

Visiting Marinatto is a full immersion in the authentic Brazilian culture: it is a classic meeting point for the large Brazilian community in South London. The staff is both friendly and knowledgeable, always happy to explain and help if you are not familiar with Brazilian cuisine. When it comes to pricing, Marinatto provides good value for money. The quality and portion sizes justify the mid-range pricing, making it accessible for most diners – and you won’t leave hungry for sure!

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